These pictures are of the "circle room" or rotunda room in the upstairs of the American Legion, and also the attic right side where the HVAC system that used to suck up smoke from the downstairs floor and exhaust it out the attic window.
These pictures show the progress of the project in both the circle room and the attic, as we removed literally TONS of trash, metal, garbage, old furniture, scrap metal, and decades worth of scattered junk. We scrapped over 750 pounds of metal, and completely filled the American Legion dumpster more than 20 times.
Project Completion
Here's the "after" pictures! What a project! This took many hundreds of hours of work, communication, coordination, and one dedicated Eagle Scout candidate! Now the American Legion has a cleaned out room so that more advanced repairs can be performed, a new working door, removed an unused smoke exhaust HVAC system, and a repaired subfloor and window in the attic.